Programme SAP RSXADR11 - Framework XPRA for conversion of KNA1/LFA1/KNVK/SADR in CAM (4.5)

This report is the framework XPRA for conversion to Central AddressManagement (CAM) for the functional Release 4.5A and/or the followingcorrection release (4.5B) for upgrade from Releases 3.0/3.1 or 4.0A/B.
Address data are converted from various source tables into CAM and awhere-used list for the references for address numbers is created.
The following are converted:
Address data for customer master data (incl. contact persons)
Address data for vendor master data (incl. contact persons)
Document addresses (SD)
Bank addresses
The following setting gives you an overview of which tables are used inthe conversion:
Source table Target table
Master data:
SADR ADRC SADR only partially converted
--- ADRV new: Where-used list addressses
--- ADRVP new: Where-used list persons
Document addresses (SD):
Tables ADR2, ADR3, ADR4, ADR5 and ADR12 are also filled according todata constellation.
All data in the source tables remain the same. Data is not deleted.Data already in the target tables before the report is carried out isnot changed or deleted.

The report runs as XPRA during the idle time for the upgrade.
The report can be run again if an error occurs.
The potential runtime for large data quantities is very high. For thisreason, the system determines how much data is to be converted beforecarrying out the upgrade. If necessary, the system issues a messagerecommending background processing before the upgrade.
Report RSXADR21 was imported to the old release for this purpose (seeOSS note 97032!).
The XPRA report only processes the data records that are recreated inthe system or changed again after the preliminary conversion (byRSXADR21). This reduces the XPRA runtime considerably.

The report issues a log via the normal XPRA log interface.

At 4.0, the XPRA RSXADR01 was already released. It carries out theconversions for the 4.0 conversion to CAM.
The changes that come into effect with the conversion to CAM in Release4.5 are described in the 4.5 release note on Central AddressManagement: Release note on Central AddressManagement

169226Maintenance of titles before the upgrade
186910Customers / vendors with incorrect address
183587Clean-up of one-time addresses if conversion errors occur
808790ERP 2004: Optimization of XPRAS_UPG upgrade phase
97032Addresses: Preliminary conversion in Release 4.5/4.6/4.7
97802Tablespace sizes for conversion addresses for 4.5/4.6/4.7
410277Customer master records point to plant addresses after upgra