E-mail notification for new work items in the Business Workplace

The report sends notifications for work items via e-mail to e-mailrecipients. E-mails are only sent to those users for which the userattributes (FORWARD_WI) 'Flag: Forward work item'' aremaintained n PPOMA_BBP.
In the "normal" run (no single run) notifications for work items areonly generated that

  • Are ready or waiting

  • Were generated since the last run of the report. (The time of the last
  • run is saved in a table.)


    • Users that do not use the integrated inbox of the EBP system (other
    • mail client) can process work items in their usual mail client.
      • Users that do not use the integrated inbox of the EBP system (other
      • mail client) are notified easily


        • The user attributes (FORWARD_WI) 'Flag: Forward work item'' are
        • maintained in PPOMA_BBP
          • User e-mail addresses are maintained in SU01
          • Features

            Instance data:

            • Job suffix:

            • Several instances of the report can run side by side. The other reportparameters can be configured differently. The times of the last run aresaved for the individual instances.
              • Tasks:

              • The selection of the work items can be restricted to work items forcertain tasks (parameters of the report).

                Send frequency:

                • One message per work item:

                • One e-mail is sent for each new work item.
                  • One e-mail per user:

                  • Only one e-mail is sent for all new work items of a user.

                    Type of e-mail:

                    • HTML format:

                    • E-mails are sent in HTML format.
                      • Plain text format:

                      • E-mails are sent in plain text format.

                        Approval buttons in HTML e-mail:

                        • Present:

                        • The approval buttons 'Approve by E-mail' and 'Reject by E-mail' arepresent in an HTML format E-mail
                          • Not present:

                          • The approval buttons 'Approve by E-mail' and 'Reject by E-mail' are notpresent in an HTML format E-mail

                            Standardtext for notification
                            You can formulate the text in the e-mail by entering a 'text in thedialog'.

                            Data for a single run:
                            A single run occurs if the entry fields contain a date, a time, andoptionally a user. In the case of a single run, the time of the lastrun is not saved (as is the case with a periodic run).

                            • From work item creation date:

                            • The creation date of the work item for which messages are to be sent isolder than this date.
                              • From work item creation time:

                              • The creation time of the work item for which messages are to be sentand that were generated on the day after work item creation date is notolder than this time.
                                • User (empty = all):

                                • Messages are only created for work items that this user has in theBusiness Workplace.

                                  During it's run, the report creates a log in a spool file. You canconfigure what is logged:

                                  • Nothing (Set Nothing indicator)

                                  • Only error messages (Set Only errors indicator)

                                  • Both success and error messages (Set All indicator)
                                  • Properties:

                                    • If one e-mail is sent per work item, the e-mail contains the task
                                    • description and the standard text for notification. If only one e-mailis sent for all work items, the e-mail only contains the standardnotification text.
                                      • The results of database queries (for example, addresses for automatic
                                      • forwarding) are buffered to improve preformance.

                                        Determination of potential work items
                                        Determination of recipient for each determined work item.
                                        Only consideration of the recipient for which the user attributes(FORWARD_WI) 'Flag: Forward work item'' are maintained inPPOMA_BBP. If only one e-mail was sent for all work items, the systemchecks whether an e-mail has already been sent to this recipient.
                                        Creation of the e-mail send text (partly work item specific).
                                        Sending of the e-mail to all recipients.

                                        You can define variants for scheduling (for example in SE80). If youuse several variants, the job suffix should be different.

                                        You can get the system to create a log file.