Programme SAP RSWN_RUNTIME_DATA_REORG - Extended Notifications: Consistency of Runtime Data

The program selects the existing notifications. There is an overview ofthe number of notifications grouped according to scenario, category, andfilter. It checks if the combination of scenario, category, and filterstill exists in transaction SWNCONFIG. If the combination no longerexists, runtime data (notifications + additional data) about the programcan be deleted.

Background Information:
The enhanced notifications for SAP Business Workflow notify users aboutnew work items. Transaction SWNCONFIG (or SWNADMIN) needs to beconfigured for this. Program SWN_SELSEN must also be scheduled whichselects work items, saves them as notifications, and sends thenotifications to the user in the form of e-mail or SMS.
Notifications and additional data are also stored in runtime tables. Thenotifications and additional data are described in the following asruntime data.
By changing the configuration, for example during the development phase,it is possible for some dead data to come into being.
This program checks if the related configuration exists for the existingnotifications in transaction SWNCONFIG. Only in this case is the runtimedata updated and reorganized by SWN_SELSEN.
If notifications exists without related configurations, the runtime datacannot be deleted with this program. However check first if this data isreally no longer required.
The Universal Worklist (UWL) and Duet use parts of the enhancednotifications for SAP Business Workflow for their delta mechanism. TheUniversal Worklist uses program RSWNUWLSEL for this, Duet uses RSWNSEL.The programs are variations of SWN_SELSEN. As in SWN_SELSEN, theyrequire configuration in transaction SWNCONFIG and also savenotifications and additional data in the runtime tables.
The program also checks the notifications that are used for theUniversal Worklist and Duet, if available. These scenarios do notusually produce any dead data as the configuration in SWNCONFIG is notnormally made manually or is not changed.


Choose Selection Variant

  • Selection Using a Scenario

  • The notifications for a specific combination of scenario, filter, andcategory are selected and checked. The selection criteria at the veryleast must be specified as the scenario. Filter and category areoptional entries.
    • Selection Using All Data

    • All existing notifications are selected and checked.



      Output Table
      The result of the selection and check is displayed in the form of atable. It shows an overview of the number of the existing notificationsgrouped according to scenario, category, and filter.
      The table includes the following columns:

      • Scenario ID: Name of the scenario

      • Category ID: Name of the category

      • Filter ID: Name of filter

      • Number of Entries: Number of notifications that exist for this
      • combination
        • Consistency:After selecting the notifications, it is checked if
        • the combination of scenario, category, and filter exists in transactionSWNCONFIG. If not, the notifications in the runtime tables are neitherupdated nor reorganized. This column shows the result.


          • Refresh: The notification selection and checks are started again.
          • The output table is updated accordingly.
            • Check consistency of runtime data: The availability of the
            • configuration in transaction SWNCONFIG is automatically checked afterthe notifications are selected. With this function the check can berepeated for a row of the output table.
              • Delete inconsistent runtime data: If the configuration for the
              • notifications no longer exists, the runtime data (notifications andadditional data) can be deleted. The Consistency column shows if theruntime data is consistent or not. Before deletion it should be checkedif this data is really no longer required. The program does not allowyou to delete consistent runtime data.