Programme SAP RSWBO112 - Display/Change Naming Conventions

This program allows you to display, create and change reserved namingconventions across object types for development namespaces in the ABAPWorkbench.
The protection of naming conventions in the ABAP Workbench is based onthe assignment of a generically specified name range (defining thestart of a name) to a package, and applies to all namespace-compliantobject types (all objects that can be given a namespace prefix). Thenaming convention can have a maximum of 16 characters, since databasesdo not permit object names that are any longer.
If a developer wants to assign an object with a name created accordingto this convention to a package other than the one stored in the tablefor naming conventions, then the Transport Organizer prevents theobject from being created.
For complete protection, you must enter your naming conventions in allof your development systems.