Programme SAP RSVSCANTRACE - Virus Scan Server Trace

In addition to displaying errors, warnings, and additional information,the virus scan server can also write its output to the memory of theserver. You can then query and display this memory content using thisprogram.
This means that the virus scan server can be analyzed for errors duringits production operation. The trace for thememory output is always deactivated when theserver is started, and you should only activate it ifproblems occur, since it affects the performance of the server. Atimeout mechanism is used to ensure that the settings for thememory output are only valid for a certainperiod of time (the default is 24 hours) and are then deactivated.

You can start this program through transaction VSCANTRACE, anduse it for all registered virus scan servers.

The prerequisite for using the memory trace is that at least one virusscan server is active. The input help (F4) shows alldefined virus scan servers from the tableVSCAN_SERVER. However, you can also directly specify a virus scan serverthat has been started at the SAP Gateway using an RFC destinationdefined in SM59.

After you select a server and choose ENTER; the system creates tehconnection to the virus scan server. A successful connection to theserver is indicated by a green icon
You can determine the current trace level byselecting the output component. You can set anew value for this by selecting the tracecomponents and choosing the "Activate" button. You can completelydeactivate the memory trace by choosing the "Deactivate" button,although you cannot completely deactivate the output of errors to thetrace file. Trace level 0 for the file therefore means no suppression oferrors.
The "Copy" button means that the selected trace level is set for theindividual components, that is, the selection option for each activecomponent is activated.

After you set the trace level, you canchoose F8 to control the memory trace.
In addition to showing the availability ofthe used anti-virus engine, the utilizationof the virus scan server, and the current trace level for the memory,the overview shows an HTML output of the currenttrace information.
You can also display the current status of the used virus scan server bychoosing the "Status" buttons (F7) even if the memory trace isdeactivated. In addition to technical information about the virus scanserver, this display also contains its configuration, and informationabout the loaded virus scan adapter including the anti-virus engine.