Programme SAP RSVIEWMOD - Comparability for (modified) maintenance dialogs

Comparability of generated maintenance dialogs

The program RSVIEWMOD determines the comparability of generatedmaintenance dialogs (view and view cluster dialogs) and allows you tochange the comparability flag.

The comparability depends on a flag in the maintenance objectdescription header which is used by the CCS viewer and CTA. It can havethe following values :

  • no value, i.e. the dialog is modified and the comparability of
  • this dialog has not been maintained. The dialog is ignored by the CCSviewer and CTA;
    • not comparable, i.e. the dialog can not be used by the CCS
    • viewer and CTA;
      • comparable in dialog, i.e. the CCS viewer or CTA run the dialog,
      • the user adjusts the data and saves. An automatic compare is notpossible;
        • automatically comparable, i.e. the dialog is not modified or
        • only has modifications which do not affect the automatic (and dialog)compare.
          The flag must be set manually by the creator for modified dialogs usingSE54. The program RSVIEWMOD can be used to set the flagfor the maintenance dialogs of an entire development class.
          The flag is set according to the compare effects ofmodifications/enhancements which are checked by the developer using thecriteria documented in the SAP online help under BC - Generatedtable maintenance dialog in the chapter Compare criteria fromRelease 4.5B.

          The set of maintenance dialogs to be processed is restricted by theparameters in the Selection box:

          • Object selects individual maintenance dialogs. If view clusters
          • are selected, all its table maintenance dialogs are implicitlyselected.
            • Package selects all maintenance dialogs in the specified
            • package(s);
              • the checkbox only unprocessed selects only maintenance dialogs
              • whose comparability flag is no value.
                • only originals in this system selected by default because
                • setting the flag is a maintenance object description change, whichshould normally be made in the original system. If the flag is to beset in a non-original system for an object, clear the checkbox.
                  The parameters in the Actions box control whether thecomparability flag can only be displayed or also changed. The defaultis Display only. If you choose Changes the flag can beset in two ways:
                  • manual change allows the flag to be set individually per
                  • maintenance dialog;
                    • automatic change sets the flag for all unmodified maintenance
                    • dialogs to automatically comparable. The flags of modifiedmaintenance dialogs are not changed. An object list, containing allmaintenance objects whose flags are set, can be specified underRequest (Object list). It can then be used to transport themodified maintenance object descriptions.
                      The option only transportable changes in request ensures thatonly transportable objects are put in the object list. Thecomparability flag is still set for non-transportable objects.
                      The program lists all selected modified maintenance dialogs. The lastchanger and the modifications (events and modules) are listed for eachmaintenance dialog. A traffic light shows the comparability:
                      • red : not comparable,

                      • yellow: comparable in dialog,

                      • green: automatically comparable;

                      • a red cross indicates no comparability entry.

                      • In change mode, the comparability is set by choosing the red, yellow orgreen checkbox. The changes must be saved explicitly. You are promptedfor a change request.
                        In automatic change mode, you are prompted for an object listif one was not specified as a parameter.

                        Run the program in dialog and specify the objects or packages to beprocessed in Selections. Choose Changes and run theprogram. Classify your modified maintenance dialogs on the next screen,according to the guidelines in the SAP online help under BC -Generated table maintenance dialog in the chapter Comparecriteria from Release 4.5B. Save your entries and enter a requestnumber in the prompt dialog box.