Programme SAP RSVIEWHI - View Table Hierarchy

The program generates the internal table structure of a view. The tablefields can be modified by function key on the view/table hierarchy listscreen. Theview/table structure can also be displayed with the SAP graphic.
The parameter view name must be fully qualified (nogeneric input is possible).
The parameter view maintenance/view definition controls thestructure information selection which can be displayed by the graphic:

  • V - View maintenance, all structure information is displayed.

  • D - View definition, the inheritance of write or read
  • authorization between the view tables is omitted.
    With the parameter List title you can overwrite the standardlist title. This can be useful if you call the programfrom another program.

    The view must be changeable, i.e. the view must be able to be called bythe extended table maintenance (SM30).

    The branch list "View structure: Fields" enters the followinginformation in the table boxes for the table fields:key, view, read only, table field name andtable field text. The read only indicator states the Data Dictionarystatus which is maintained on the field level. Any limitations at tableor view level have priority.
    The branch list "Hierarchy graphic" shows the sameview/table structure. Reading tables are shown in blue andwritable tables in red. Theview maintenance status and the inheritance of the export/importrelationships at table level is taken into account here.
    The branch list "Hierarchy graphic" described above can be called fromthe branch list "View structure: Fields".

    Example call of the view/table hierarchy:
    View maintenance/view def. (V/D),,V
    View name,,V_T333
    List title