Programme SAP RSVCLNAVI - Delete navigation subscreen from view cluster screen

Conversion of view cluster dialog navigation to Tree Control

From Release 46A view cluster dialog navigation uses a Tree Control onboth the list and detail screens. The navigation subscreens in the listscreens are no longer needed. If they still exist, they are dynamicallyhidden at runtime.
The program RSVCLNAVI deletes unnecessary navigation subscreensfrom the maintenance screens.

View cluster dialog navigation can generally be converted to TreeControl automatically without difficulty.
Dynamic manipulation in user-defined events in the global internaltable VCL_STRUC_TAB, in particular the attributes SCREENIND
, FCODE and SUPPRESS, to influence the navigationsubscreen structure, are not taken into accountby the Tree Control.

The program parameters restrict the number of view cluster dialogs tobe processed:

  • View cluster selects individual view clusters.

  • Package selects all view clusters in the epecified package(s).

  • The program RSVCLNAVI deletes the subscreens from the listscreens of the view maintenance dialogs.
    Navigation subscreens are not automatically removed from the detailscreen of a maintenance dialog, as they were not automaticallyinserted, and the names of the navigation modules used in the detailscreen are not known. So both navigation subscreens and navigationmodules must be removed from detail screens manually in the ScreenPainter. The program supports this by creating a list of the detailscreens which call the Navigation subscreen.

    Run the program in dialog and enter the view clusters or packages underSelections. Enter a request number in the change request prompt dialogbox.
    Edit any detail screens listed which call the Navigationsubscreen manually in the Screen Painter.