Programme SAP RSVCAR07 - Version Management - Archiving: Restore

This program restores archived versions of Repository objects from thearchive to the version database.
After the program has ended, the selected archive files are flagged as"restored", and cannot be restored again.
You can restore archived versions only to the system in which theyoriginated. Restoring generates a new archive file. All versions thatcannot be restored are written to this new archive file. (This fileusually remains empty.)

Versions of Repository objects have been archived at some point, andnot yet restored.

The program is started from archive management:
Choose Administration -> System administration ->Administration -> Archiving.
Enter VERSIONS in the field Object name.
Choose Restore.
Choose one of the two variants.
The test run does not restore any data.
Select the required archive files with the function Archiveselection.
Maintain the start date and the spool parameters and start the programwith Execute.

A list of the restored versions is output in the spool list.