Programme SAP RSVCAR06 - Version Management - Archiving: Delete

This program deletes archived versions of Repository objects from theversion database.
An archive file is read. The versions it contains are deleted from theversion database.
At the same time, an index is created for the archive file. Thisenables you to read individual versions from the file.
The program is started automatically when you archive versions. It isnot normally necessary for you to execute this program manually.

If archive files still exist, whose contents have not been deleted fromthe database, then you can start this program from archive management:
Choose Administration -> System administration ->Administration -> Archiving.
Enter VERSIONS in the field Object name:.
Choose Delete.
Choose one of the two variants.
The test run only reads the archive files, no data is deleted from thedatabase.
Maintain the start date and the spool parameters, and then start theprogram with Execute.