Programme SAP RSVCAR05 - Version Management - Archiving: Read Archive Files

With this program you can analyze archive files in which versions ofRepository objects are archived.
A list of the versions contained in the selected archive files iscreated.

Versions of Repository objects have been archived.

The program is started from archive management:
Choose Administration -> System administration ->Administration -> Archiving.
Enter VERSIONS in the field Object name:.
Choose Analyze.
If you start the program in the background, the result is output as aspool list. In this case, you have to specify the archive files to beread, before you start the program. To do this, choose the functionArchive selection. You must also maintain the start time and thespool parameters.
If you start the program in dialog, a list appears, which you can thenedit interactively. The program queries the archive files to be readinteractively.

A list of the archived versions is created.