Programme SAP RSUSX001 - XPRA: Assign company addresses (BC01) to an object

To be able to distribute company addresses over systems to users in acentral user administration system, the company address must beassigned the primary object "Company" over which the distribution iscontrolled. The report assigns such a primary object to the companyaddress. The key of the primary object (USCOMPANY-COMPANY) is generatedas follows:
The four components of the company name (ADRC-NAME1, ADRC-NAME2,ADRC-NAME3, ADRC-NAME4) are appended one after the other andcompressed. They are cut off after 40 characters. If the generated nameis not unique, a serial number (between 1 and 99) is appended.
Effect on the application:
If this XPRA is not running, this means that no primary objects aregenerated for the existing company addresses that cannot be distributedvia ALE. Users that are maintained from a central system are assignedthe default company addresses in the dependent systems. Maintaining thecompany addresses starts at the primary object. You may havedifficulties in finding the correct addresses. You will have to selectthe address as the primary object after other search criteria.

One entry in table USCOMPANY for each company address.