The Central User Administration log (transaction SCUL) is based on tableUSZBVSYS.
If system assignments are removed from a user or if a user is deletedentirely, old log entries for his or her role and profile assignmentsare retained.
In the hierarchy display, transaction SCUL ignores these entries, but alarge number of users and child systems can lead to the table growingunnecessarily large.

The correction report is integrated in the log display of transactionSCUL using a new button, 'Reorganize CUA Log (SHIFT + F2)'.

The report can only be used in a central system of Central UserAdministration (CUA). In all other cases, it is not executable.

The report can only delete old log entries for role and profileassignments (USZBVSYS-USRSECTION='ACTGRP' and 'PROFILE') for a childsystem for which there is an equivalent deletion entry(USZBVSYS-STATUS='D') for the system assignment(USZBVSYS-USRSECTION='USER').
Intermediate states when deleting a user (for example,USZBVSYS-USRSECTION='USER' and USZBVSYS-STATUS='A' or 'X') are alsointerpreted as "System assignment for user was deleted". Becauseconfirmation of the role/profile deletion from the child system createsnew entries with USZBVSYS-USRSECTION='ACTGRP' or 'PROFILE', you shouldnot start cleanup as long as entries with status 'Distributionunconfirmed' are displayed in transaction SCUL.
Old deletion entries for the users themselves (USZBVSYS-STATUS='D' andUSZBVSYS-USRSECTION='USER') are never deleted.
There is no correction of data inconsistencies between:
Table USZBVSYS and the local USR02 tables in individual child systems
The child systems recorded in the individual entries of USZBVSYS and thecurrent CUA landscape
To correct these inconsistencies, proceed as follows:
Use transaction SCUG to perform a complete transfer of the users fromthe child systems before you start the correction report.
Use selection option 'Invalid content in CUA tables' in report RSDELCUAto delete these obsolete log entries.


  • 'Test Mode':

  • 'X' (Default Setting)
    In accordance with the additional selection option 'Time Period', thereport looks for old, superfluous log entries and displays them in anALV list.
    ' '
    The data records found are deleted from the database and are thendisplayed in an ALV list.
    • 'Time Period':

    • Superfluous log entries are only searched for in the specified period oftime.


      All superfluous log entries selected in accordance with the selectioncriteria are displayed in full, as they are stored in table USZBVSYS.
      Sorting and grouping is by user name and by child system.