Programme SAP RSUSR408 - XPRA: Conversion of USOBX-OKFLAG, USOBX-MODIFIED for upgrade tool SU26

Customers who have already maintained entries using Transaction SU24 inthe tables USOBX_C and USOBT_C that are required by the ProfileGenerator, are supported with subsequent puts by an upgrade tool. Thisenables them to compare their own modifications with SAP's defaultvalues. The upgrade tool must be able to recognize the entries thatwere modified by the customer. This requires a few changes to technicalflags in the tables USOBX and USOBX_C executed by the XPRA report.
Table field USOBX_C-MODIFIED has the entry 'X' if the customer hasmodified the table entry. If not, the field is empty. Report XPRAreplaces the entry 'X' with the test status proposed by SAP inUSOBX-OKFLAG.
Table fields USOBX-OKFLAG and USOBX_C-OKFLAG include the test status.The empty field is replaced with 'U', otherwise the system cannotdifferentiate between 'not modified' and 'modified, old value notmaintained' when transferring to USOBX_C-MODIFIED.
The report should only run once in each system.
It is not critical if the report runs more than once in the samerelease, but it should not run again after the next put.
If an error occurs, you can reset the report. If the report runssuccessfully, this is displayed in table USR_FLAGS
usr_flags-flag = 'SU24'.
usr_flags-text = 'Report RSUSR408 has already run'.
usr_flags-value =
The report can run after the upgrade.
If the report has not run correctly, you will have problems using theupgrade tool SU26 that is required for the Profile Generator. This doesnot affect production operation in any other way.
The following tables are modified:
Check table for table USOBT
Check table for table USOBT_C

Table USR_FLAGS must not include an entry for the key USR_FLAGS ='SU24'. This entry means that the report has already run in the systemafter a put.
