Programme SAP RSUSR050 - Comparisons

You use this report to compare two user master records, roles, profiles,or authorizations in a system or in different systems.
You can also compare composite roles. As a result, the system firstdisplays a list of the single roles. It then displays a comparisonof the authorization objects.
If you have called this report using the authorization informationsystem, start it using a variant. The screen displays two input fieldsfor the objects to be compared, depending on the variant you havecalled.
The example below describes how you compare two users. The procedurefor comparing roles, profiles or authorization is analagous.
The master records are broken down to authorization fields andcompared.
Choose 'Execute' to compare the authorization objects of both userswith unequal values, unequal objects and equal values. In the case ofan unequal object, the authorization object is only listed under theuser whose master data it appears in. An unequal value means thatalthough both users have authorization for the same object, theauthorization values are different. To compare these values, select theappropriate line and choose 'Execute'. The system displays a comparisonof the values according to authorization field.
Authorizations from different profiles were broken down and sortedaccording to object and field. This provides a neat comparison of thevalues for each field.
Note that this enables you to quickly compare values, however, what isimportant is the combination of fields in an authorization. Forexample, in the objects listed as 'equal value', it is possible thattwo users can have the same value for an object, but not the samerights, as the field values are combined differently for differentauthorizations. You should use this report as a means to finddifferences and not to prove similarities.
If you want to examine the master records of two users for their objectauthorization, in the information system choose the branchUser-->according to user name (report RSUSR002). Double-click the username in the list, select the top node and choose 'Select/expandbranch'. In the hierarchy structure of the user master record, thisexpands all branches that include authorization for the selectedobject. If you open a new session and do the same for the second user,you can compare the complete master records.
