Programme SAP RSUSR030 - Authorizations by Complex Selection Criteria

This report lists authorizations according to complex selectioncriterion.
If you called this report from the authorization information system,start it using a variant. The system displays only some of the inputfields described below. To display the other fields, choose 'Allselections'.
This selects the authorizations that meet the specified criterion (ANDlinks). If you choose 'Multiple selection', you must fill only one ofthe options specified (OR link).

Selection criterion:

Authorization object
Restriction to given authorization objects

Restriction to given authorizations

Authorization text
Restriction to authorization text

Active version, update version
This selects only the flagged versions

Object class
Restriction according to object class

Selection according to values
Profiles, that have a specified value for an authorization value. Asthe authorization fields are different for authorization objects, theinput fields cannot be displayed until you have specified the object.Enter the object in the field 'Authorization object' and choose 'Entryvalues'. For each field value, the system displays four input fieldswith the description
Value... OR ...
AND ... OR ... .
Here you can make several entries that are linked by OR or AND. ORlinks take preference over AND links.

You have chosen object S_TCODE and now have four fields for thetransaction code. Enter vlaue 'SU01' OR 'SU02' AND 'SU03' OR 'SU05'.The selection displays all profiles that have one of the values 'SU01'and 'SU02' for the object S_TCODE, as well as one of the values 'SU03'and 'SU05'.
This is how you specify the requirements for values of three differentobjects, which must all then be filled (AND links).

Additional selection criterion for authorizations

Last changed by, Last change since, Last change to
Selection of profiles according to user name of the last person tochange the data or the date when it was changed.

Choose 'Execute' to display a list of selection authorization withadditional information.
You can call additional functions from the list by selecting anauthorization or an authorization object with the cursor and thenchoosing one of the function keys:

Display object or authorization
Choose 'Execute'.
The selected authorization object or authorization is displayed,depending on where you place the cursor.

Where-used list
You can create a where-used list for authorization objects as well asfor authorizations. This depends on where you place your cursor.
If you choose 'Where-used list', the system displays a dialog box whereyou input the search range of the where-used list: authorizations,profiles, user master records. You can can find a detailed descriptionof the lists in the report documentation, which generates the listsaccording to complex selection criterion: RSUSR030, RSUSR020, RSUSR002(selection of the corresponding branch in the information system).

Change document
This displays the change documents of the authorizations selected.

Select an authorization object with the cursor and choose'Documentation'. This displays documentation on the object.

Choose 'Key' to display the symbols used in the list. &DESCRIPTION&

977577SUIM|Error when you search for authorization values