Programme SAP RSUNUXS2 - Unicode compatibility of user-exits

Unicode compatibility of user-exits.

The old SMOD/CMOD extension mechanism had been built in a specifc wayin most of the cases. SAP defined the user exits and deleviered emptyfunctions. Such a function contains only an include-statement for ainclude, which has a name starting with 'ZX'. SAP does not deliverZX-files and it is no error, if such files are not existent.
Each customer can activate such a user exit and put his own code intothe related ZX-file. By the include technique the customer's code ismerged into the frames provided by SAP.
Starting with the Technology release 6.10 there are new features in theABAP language, that enables a programmer to write ABAP programs, thatexceute simmilaryly in Unicode systems and in non-Unicode systems.Programs that follow these new rules can have the Unicode flag on.
As SAP also delivers Unicode-systems, all relevant programs deliveredby SAP have the Unicode flag on. This holds also for the empty functiongroups of the user exit mechanism.
When a customer's system is upgraded from an older release toEnterprese 4.7 or CRM 3.0 this brings together Unicode-enabled funct
ions with customer's code, which meight be not compatible with Unicode.
This report ("RSUNUXS2") scans for such collisions. And it knows, whichof the envolved functions and function groups contain no or only verysimple code by SAP.
If there are functions groups, which contain customer's code, which isnot Unicode compatible and which on the other hand contain no or onlyharmless code by SAP, then the Unicode flag of such function groups areswitched off.
If the customer's code is Unicode compatible, nothing has to be done.
Only if the customer's code is not Unicode compatible and if also SAP'scode in the same function group is substantial, then the customer needsto Unicode-enable his code.


The important parameter ist the first one (SWITCHIM, "ChangeUnicode-flag immediately"). If you are not sure, you should leave itoff. In that case the database is scanned and a report is displayed.You can then use interactive reporting to either switch theUnicode-flag where possible. Or to call transaction UCCHECK on thelisted objects.
You can restrict the scanner to specific functions, if you know theirnames.
The report has an additional parameter to select the level of detail. Avalue of '0' creates a report as short as posible. Higher values addadditional information the the report.


A list of function groups, which have problems.
Then function groups are classified into up to six different kinds.
For each kind, a short description is given.
And finally there are push-buttons to modify the Unicode flag or thstart UCCHECK..
(Each part of the list will only show up if needed. So if you areluckly, the list contains only the sentence "There are no problems".)

549143Searching for User-Exits which need Unicode-enabling
620301User exit scanners should also recognize SCM 4.0