Programme SAP RSTXSCRP - SAPscript Export to Dataset / SAPscript Import from Dataset

Report RSTXSCRP allows SAPscript objects (standard texts, styles,forms) or device types to be transported between R/3 and a local orcentral file.
Note: Texts, styles, and forms are client-specific! For exportthey are always read from the current client and for import theyare always read to the current client. Device types are notclient-specific so the current client is not significant in theexport/import of printer definitions.
Important note: For language-dependent objects (that is, texts,styles, and forms) only those languages (or translations, foreignlanguages) are imported in the target system which are contained in thesystem's "language vector". This is the profile parameter"zcsa/installed_languages" of the application server. The reportparameter "language vector" allows you to replace the standard languagevector with your own vector when it is called.
The transport log of RSTXSCRP outputs the language vector used for theexport or import. If objects cannot be exported or imported becausetheir language is not contained in the language vector of the source ortarget system, a corresponding message appears in the transport log.

Styles and forms are made up of maintenance versions and activeversions as well as foreign language versions (translations). When astyle/form is exported only the active version of the style/formis exported. Maintenance versions are not transported. All existingtranslations of a style/form are also transported if their language iscontained in the language vector.
If a style/form is flagged as "Translation not applicable", only itsoriginal language will be exported. Importing a style or form such asthis, which is not to be translated, automatically deletes any existingtranslations in the target system.
In the case of text objects RSTXSCRP can transfer only standard texts(with text object key = TEXT) with text ID = ST and language key =logon language to or from the current client.
Transporting a non-existent device type deletes the definition of thisdevice type in the target system.
Parameters to be specified:
The radio buttons Device type/Form/Style/Standard text selectthe transport object to be imported or exported.
Object name: Name of the standard text, style, form, or devicetype.
Mode: Export means download to file, IMPORT means upload fromfile.
File system: Allows you to choose whether the file isread/written locally (GUI file system) or on the application server(default setting).
File name: Path and file name of the file to be generated orread in the file system of the application server. The name selectedhere must fulfill any requirements specified by the R/3 platform (UNIX,Windows NT, AS/400). "/tmp/********&&&&" appears as a default value. Itis only a template and not the actual file name! If the default valueis not overwritten, "********" is replaced by the first eight lettersof the object name, and "&&&&" by the file extensions ".TXT", ".STY",".FOR" or ".PRI".
This parameter is not significant for local files and an input templateappears for the local file name.
Binary file format: If this parameter is selected, a binary fileformat with a fixed record length is written or required for reading.This file format is not compatible with a "non-binary format", that isfiles for which the parameter was set during writing can only be readwith a set parameter. The binary files generated by RSTXSCRP areidentified by the string "RSTX@" (ASCII code) at the beginning of thefile.
In binary format, the file contains an identifier indicating in whichsystem character set the data was written. RSTXSCRP then performs acharacter set conversion from the file character set to the systemcharacter set of the current system when the file is imported. It istherefore possible to exchange files generated by RSTXSCRP betweensystems with different system character sets.
Important restriction: You are advised to only use the character setconversion when exchanging files between two systems with an identicalnumber of characters. If objects in the source system containcharacters which are not contained in the system character set of thetarget system, they are represented by a substitute character whenconverted and their contents are therefore changed. The objects areimported under a modified key if non-translatable characters are partof the object key (for example, a text name with East European specialcharacters).
Display file contents: If this parameter is selected, thecontents of the generated or read file are listed together with thetransport log. Otherwise only the transport log is output.
Language vector: If this parameter has a value (that is, one ormore language keys), this report parameter is used as a language vectorfor exporting or importing the language-specific objects. The profileparameter "zcsa/installed_languages" is used as the default languagevector.
Only export original language: If this parameter is selected,only the original language for layout sets and styles is transportedwhen exporting, and no translations.

The report generates an action log of the import/export.

In order to download the device type HPLJIIID from R/3 into the file"/tmp/HPLJIIID.PRI", enter the following parameters:
Device type selected
Object name: HPLJIIID
File name:
(Other report parameters have default value)
In order to upload the form TESTFORM from the file"/usr/test/TESTFORM.FOR", enter the following parameters:
Form selected
Object name: TESTFORM
File name: /usr/test/TESTFORM.FOR
(Other report parameters have default value)

1647734Changes in Porocilo o dobavah 76.a clen
1079665Missing formats and bar codes in SAPWIN device types
1618277Export or import of device types: Cascading fonts
1553110Empl tax stmnt: Employer tax number is missing in form
1540059RED 12/2010
1506065RPCKULD3: RHC payroll list: Display error in header data
1066060Printing ADS documents with Kyocera printers
1341948Intrastat RO - some fields are not filled correctly
1491562ACM: KV Privatrezept Druck auf zwei Seiten
1393255Company Certificate - Layout Corrections
1488126ACM: KV-Formular N3KVMST04 fehlerhaft
1484715ACM: KV-Formular N3KVMST06 fehlerhaft
1477048ACM: Kv-Dokumente Datumsaufbereitung
1448952ACM: KV Dokumente Heilmittel Druckaufbereitung Anz. Verordn.
1448091ACM: KV Dokumente Stempelgröße zu klein
1430426ACM: KV N3KVMST04 Druck von Nullen
1377202Various Changes to the Infotypes for Garnishment
1260970ACM: KV N3KVMST06 Druck fehlerhaft
1293205HR-DEH: Arbeitskostenerhebung 2008 (Änderungen)
1291587LStB: Falsche Umlaute in Formular für 2009
1288612ACM: KV-Dokumente Ueberweisung Datum ohne Jahreszahl
213382SAPWIN/SWIN: Lists with more than 255 columns
183777Label printing with Intermec EasyCoder 4420
1230584ACM: KV Dok N3KVMST10 V03 neues Druckformular 7.2008
947514Printed output of Thai ABAP lists shifted after kernel patch
6427 Information about device type upload/download
60928Transports between Release 3.0 or 3.1 and Release 4.0
1038413Unicode SAPWIN device type for CJK font
1040246JStG 2007 und SvEV: Auswirkung auf die ZV-Sammelüberweisung
504952Composite note regarding spooling and printing
996998JW 2006/07:Änderungen zum Lohnzettel Finanz (ab Rel ERP2004)
700887Printing: Language configuration
520710Spain: Self Invoice for intra EU acquisitions
941394YE06: Changes for QPIP in Releve 1 form
808200YE04: Error printing country in employee address.
921662YE05: Changes to RL-1 preprinted tax form.
918486YE05: Erroneous approval no. appears on T4A form.
913112YE05: Preprinted format of T4 for Year 2005.
910094Zertifikatsantragsformular: E-Mail Adresse
864712INTRASTAT: Czech Republic - New form layout 2005
826156T4/RL-1, T4A/RL-2 forms: Custom Sort Field added.
819191INTRASTAT: Hungary - New form layout in 2005
821381YE04: Changes to employee address on Relevé 1 and 2.
814451YE04: T4/RL-1, T4A/RL-2 combo forms: Address error.
813556YE04: Changes to RL-1 preprinted tax form.
812518YE04: Dupl. amended RL forms: incorrect designation.
717679EU2004: INTRASTAT - new programs and forms
437696ABAP lists: PDF conversion with ZPDF1 is incorrect
706669 YE2003: Truncated final line in comb. T4/RL-1 form.
700880YE2003: Cent amounts in RL-1 Box A are not shaded.
623626HR-GB: EOY P60 Data mailer form 2003-2004
530918HR-GB:SAPScript forms suppress the leading zeros for TaxRef
517944HR-GB: SAPScript P14,P60,P45 - Tax code 0T not correct
517325HR-GB: P11D SAPscript form 2001-2002 - right part truncated
3355SAPscript: Transporting styles/forms/texts
490859INTRASTAT: Belgium - New form layout 2002
501874HR-GB: P60 SAPScript form data mailer: correct position
500082HR-GB: P45 SAPScript form data mailer: correct position
458135RFKQST00 addition for the German country version II
11214Print problems: Changes SPAD/RSTXCRP/RSTXCPAG