Programme SAP RSTXR3TR - Transport Program For SAPscript Transport Objects

Report RSTXR3TR allows SAPscript objects (texts, styles, forms) anddevice types to be transported between R/3 and a local or central file.Which objects are to be transferred is taken from a transport requestcreated in the transport system.
The entries in the transport request appear as follows:
Forms are transported using R3TR FORM NAME, where NAME standsfor the name of the form.
Styles are transported using R3TR STYL NAME, where NAME standsfor the name of the style.
Texts are transported using R3TR TEXT OBJECT,NAME,ID,L, whereOBJECT stands for the text object (from table TTXOB), NAME for the textname, ID for the text ID (from table TTXID), and L for the language keyof the text.
Device types are transported using R3TR PRIN NAME, where NAMEstands for the name of the device type.
Note: Texts, styles, and forms are client-specific! They arealways read from the current client when exported and to thecurrent client when imported. Printer definitions are notclient-specific. The current client is therefore not significant whenexporting/importing device types.
Important note: In the case of language-specific objects (thatis texts, styles, and forms), only those languages (or translations,foreign languages) will be imported in the target system which arecontained in the 'language vector' of the system. This is the profileparameter "zcsa/installed_languages" of the application server. Thereport parameter "Language vector" allows the standard language vectorto be replaced with a specific one when called.
The transport log of RSTXR3TR outputs the language vector used in theexport or import. If objects cannot be exported or imported becausetheir language is not in the language vector of the source or targetsystem, a message to this effect is displayed in the transport log.
The file to be written or read can be located either locally in thefile system of the frontend server (GUI) or in the central file systemof the application server (default setting).

Styles and forms consist of maintenance and active versions and foreignlanguage versions (translations). When a style/form is exported, onlythe active version of the style/form is exported. Maintenanceversions are not transported. All existing translations of a style/formare also transported if the language is contained in the languagevector.
If a style/form is marked as not relevant for translation, only itsoriginal language is exported. The import of such a style/form which isnot to be translated automatically deletes any translations which mayexist in the target system.
In the case of text objects, RSTXR3TR can transport all texts to orfrom the current client which are stored in the SAPscript text file (nodocumentation texts, for example).
Transporting a non-existent device type deletes the definition of thisdevice type in the target system.
Parameters which need to be specified:
Transport request: name of a transport request (for example,B20K009999) created with the R/3 Change and Transport system. The namesor keys of the objects to be transported are contained in thistransport request. This report can only transport the object typesTEXT, FORM, STYL, and PRIN. Transport of other transport objects is notpossible. The transport request does not have to exist in the targetsystem.
Mode: EXPORT (downloading from R/3 to a dataset) or IMPORT(uploading from a dataset to R/3).
File system: The choice as to whether the file is read/writtenlocally (GUI file system) or on the application server (defaultsetting) is made here.
File name: Path and file name of the file to be generated orread in the file system of the application server. The name selectedmust fulfill any requirements specified by the R/3 platform (UNIX,Windows NT, AS/400). "/tmp/RSTXR3TR.****" appears as a default value.This is only a template and not the actual file name! If the defaultvalue is not overwritten, "****" is replaced by the actual user name(SY-UNAME).
This parameter is not significant for local files. An input templateappears for the local file name.
Binary file format: If this parameter is selected, a binary fileformat with a fixed record length is written or required for reading.This file format is not compatible with a "non-binary format", that isfiles for which the parameter was set during writing can only be readwith a set parameter. The binary files generated by RSTXR3TR areidentified by the string "RSTX@" (ASCII code) at the beginning of thefile.
In binary format, the file contains an identifier indicating in whichsystem character set the data was written. RSTXR3TR then performs acharacter set conversion from the file character set to the systemcharacter set of the current system when the file is imported. It istherefore possible to exchange files generated by RSTXR3TR betweensystems with different system character sets.
Important restriction: You are advised to only use the character setconversion when exchanging files between two systems with an identicalnumber of characters. If objects in the source system containcharacters which are not contained in the system character set of thetarget system, they are represented by a substitute character whenconverted and their contents are therefore changed. The objects areimported under a modified key if non-translatable characters are partof the object key (for example, a text name with East European specialcharacters).
Display file contents: If this parameter is selected, thecontents of the generated or read file are listed together with thetransport log. Otherwise only the transport log is output.
Language vector: If this parameter has a value (that is, one ormore language keys), this report parameter is used as a language vectorfor exporting or importing the language-specific objects. The profileparameter "zcsa/installed_languages" is used as the default languagevector.
Only export original language: If this parameter is selected,only the original language for forms and styles is transported whenexporting, and no translations.

The report generates an action log of the imports and exports.

In order to download the transport objects from the transport requestB20K009999 to the dataset "/usr/sap/trans/clipboard/RSTXR3TR.USER"(where USER stands for the actual user name), enter the following:
Transport request: B20K009999
Dataset name: /usr/sap/trans/clipboard/RSTXR3TR.****
(Other report parameters to default value)
To upload the objects from this dataset to another system, the datasetmust first be brought to operating system level (for example with theprogram ftp) in a directory which can be read by the R/3 System (forexample /usr/sap/trans/clipboard). Make sure that the readauthorizations for the file are set ("read-bits" on UNIX platforms).Now RSTXR3TR must be started in this system in the client in which theobjects are to be stored. The parameters are then filled as follows:
Transport request: B20K009999
Dataset name: /usr/sap/trans/clipboard/RSTXR3TR.****
(other report parameters to default value).
Check the import log generated, where any problems are listed.

1618277Export or import of device types: Cascading fonts
62178Device types for Japanese language
60928Transports between Release 3.0 or 3.1 and Release 4.0
700887Printing: Language configuration
590719Device types for Traditional and HongKong Chinese
70547CC-TOPIC: Client transport
61049Transporting QM master data between systems
3355SAPscript: Transporting styles/forms/texts
30048Additional G/L account text is not transferred