Programme SAP RSTXFPR0 - SAPscript: Forms Test Printing

The program generates a trial print of a layout set with all elements.A corresponding application program does not have to be started.
All pages and text elements contained in the layout set are called up.Program symbols are displayed via 'Test values' ('X').
Certain texts may not be output. For example, this is the case if thetext name in an INCLUDE statement is defined via a program symbol.

The layout set which is to be printed must be active. If the layout setis changed, the program must be started again, as program RSTXFPR2 isgenerated internally, which then generates the actual test printing.This program contains the TABLES statements, which were specifiedthrough the analysis program RSTXFPR0.

It does not generate a list, but creates an output using SAPscript.This can be displayed on the screen via the SAPscript pop-up and/orprinted.