Programme SAP RSTXCHKO - Consistency Check for Styles and Forms in a Client

The report RSTXCHKO checks the consistency of a specified set of stylesor layout sets in the text file. It does not check whether thestyles or layout sets are defined correctly syntactically (to do thisplease use the layout set maintenance transaction or style maintenancetransaction) but whether they are stored correctly in the text file.

Report parameters:
Object: Here you specify whether layout sets (FORM) or styles(STYLE) are to be checked.
Client: The client in which the check is to be carried out. Onlylayout sets/styles in the specified client are checked, client 000 isnot accessed.
Object name: The name of the layout sets or styles which are tobe checked. It can be entered fully qualified (e.g. S_TEST_P) orgenerically (e.g. S_TEST*). If only * is entered, all layoutsets/styles in the selected client are checked.
Active objects only: If only active layout sets/styles are to bechecked, this parameter must be selected. In the default setting, alllayout sets/styles are checked, that is active, revised, and newobjects.
List all headers: If this parameter is selected, the header(administration data) of each of the objects (layout setdefinition/layout set text or style definition/style text) which appearin the selection is listed. In the default setting only the headers ofdefective entries are listed.
There must be layout sets and styles in the selected client which canbe checked.

The report generates a list in which the following information isoutput:
Name: The name of the layout set or style
Status: The status of the layout set or style. The folowing mean:
ACT - Active version
MOD - New or revised version
ERR - Errors in version (neither active nor new/revised)
O.language: Original language of the layout set/style
Available languages: Language keys of all existing language versions ofthe layout set/style. Example: The output "DEI" means that the layoutset/style is available in the languages German, English, and Italian.
Result: Message concerning the result of the check