Programme SAP RSTS0015 - TemSe: Not Used

RSTS0015 is a test program you can use to test the writing ofTemSe objects. Two TemSe objects are always opened at the same time.One of them is always called 'RSTS0015_B '. The other name ispassed as a parameter and is defaulted for 'RSTS0015_1'.
The influence of the other parameters is as follows:

'D'=Database, 'F'=NFS file
Here you determine where the data of the TemSe object is to be stored.

Work mode ('E','W','I')
'E' is standard: The TemSe objects can be edited in all internal modesof an external mode. For this, the management structures are created inROLL 1 memory and are copied round accordingly when accessing/exitingan internal mode.
With 'W', the object is linked to the work process. The managementstructures are stored in the PERM memory. You must not roll in thisprocessing mode.
With 'I', processing is carried out within an internal mode. This isthe least expensive method of working. The management structures arestored in ROLL 2 memory.

Cancel after first error?
If marked with a cross: A STOP command is executed for some errorsituations.

With subroutine call?
If NOT marked with a cross: RSTS0015 writes three lines in the object.
Marked with a cross: RSTS0015 calls RSTS0017, which also writes somelines in the open object. In the meantime, RSTS0017 calls RSTS0017again (and again) so that 12 lines in total are written in the openTemSe object from four different internal modes.

When opening you specify what is to happen with unCOMMITted data if aROLLBACK occurs. With rollback-proof processing, the data is kept.Otherwise TemSe behaves in the same way as the database transactions.

You can request that a ROLLBACK be triggered during the test (after the10th line is output).

Execute COMMIT?
You can request that a COMMIT be triggered during the test (after the5th line is output).

Performing the test
When you call RSTS0015, TemSe objects are written. You can look at themafterwards with RSTS0019 or with transaction SP11.
Caution: For test purposes, RSTS0015 can also attempt actions that arenot permitted. You then cannot say what the effect might be (and itmight not be harmless). Example: If you are working with work mode 'I'and subroutine call, an open TemSe object is accessed in the nestedinternal modes, although it cannot actually be acessed at the time. Anumber of circumstances determine whether the appliation error isfound. Sometimes the structure that is no longer valid is used, whichis not allocated in Roll 2 memory but is perhaps still seen as visibledata in unassigned memory.

Some TemSe authorizations.
Report RSTS0015 also has the utility report RSTS0017 and the twoIncludes RSTS0016 and RSTS0018.

RSTS0015_55 F level=1 1 line from RSTS0015
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 2 line from RSTS0017
RSTS0015_55 F level=3 3 line from RSTS0017
RSTS0015_55 F level=4 4 line from RSTS0017 before COMMIT
RSTS0015_55 F level=3 5 line from RSTS0017 before COMMIT
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 6 line from RSTS0017
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 7 line from RSTS0017 before ROLLBACK
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 8 line from RSTS0017 before ROLLBACK
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 9 line from RSTS0017 before ROLLBACK
RSTS0015_55 F level=2 10 line from RSTS0017 before ROLLBACK
RSTS0015_55 F level=1 11 line from RSTS0015
RSTS0015_55 F level=1 12 line from RSTS0015