Programme SAP RSTRLIRA - Lira Conversion

This program can be used to convert the currency 'Old Turkish Lira TRL'in a loaded InfoCube into 'New Turkish Lira TRY'. Please remember that aconversion of currencies in R/3 and a separate conversion with thisprogram in BW can lead to inconsistencies. Thus SAP recommends that youupload to BW after conversion of old Turkish Lira 'TRL' to New TurkishLira 'TRY' in your R/3 systems.
The current version of the program also converts InfoObjects with fixedcurrency units.
Data that is kept in IDOC will not be converted using this program.
The Composite SAP Note 731961 deals with general problems having to dowith Lira conversion. The note explains, for example, maintenance of theLira exchange rate.
Please maintain the Lira exchange rate in BW, or if you have alreadydone it in your R/3, load the exchange rate into BW by going to theSource System tab page in the Admin Workbench and selecting the optionTransfer Exchange Rate in the associated source system with the rightmouse button.
After you have maintained or loaded the Lira exchange rate, call theprogram RSTLIRA.
A description of the program and how to work with it
The procedure for converting Liras has two steps. In the first step, thekey figures and InfoCubes to be converted are selected. In the secondstep, a batch process is started to convert the selected InfoCubes.
1st Step:
In the first step, the InfoCubes and the key figures to be converted aredetermined. To do this, you have two tasks. Select key figures andselect InfoCubes. For each data target, you first need to determinewhich key figures in this data target need to be converted into New LiraTRY. To do this, you are able to select the various types of datatargets one after the other (InfoCube, ODS, PSA, key figures with fixedcurrency). (Menu Option Select Key Figures).
Afterwards you can specifically select the data targets that are to beconverted when the batch process is called via the Conversion - BatchExecution menu option from the data targets in which key figures are tobe converted.
You proceed in a similar way for fixed currencies. If an InfoObject OldTurkish Lira 'TRL' has been assigned as a fixed currency, duringconversion into New Turkish Lira 'TRY', all data targets for thisInfoObject in which the InfoObject with the fixed currency occurs haveto also be converted. Separate conversion of these data targets is notpossible. To do this, in the menu option 'Key Figures - FixedCurrencies, select the InfoObjects that you wish to convert later. Alldata targets in which this InfoObject occurs are listed below theInfoObject.
Caution: When a key figure with fixed currencies is being used in a datatarget and as an attribute of another InfoObject, the values of theattribute for the InfoObject will not be converted. However, thecurrency will be displayed after conversion to New Turkish Lira 'TRY'.This means the values of the attribute have to be converted to NewTurkish Lira TRY manually to prevent inconsistencies. Key figures withcurrencies as master data attributes can not be converted with thisprogram. Only currencies in InfoCubes, ODS and PSA can be converted.
2nd Step:
The next step for fixed currencies is choosing (menu option Data Targets- Select Fixed Currency) the InfoObjects that are to be converted withthe next batch process.
Here is a more detailed description of the two steps:
Start the program RSTRLIRA.
1. Choose the 'InfoCube' radio button. Execute.
2. In the menu, choose 'Key Figures --> Select'.
3. All of the active InfoCubes are displayed. InfoCubes that cannot beread, for example because that are in an inactive state are displayed atthe end of the list. All key figures that link to a currency unitInfoObject are listed by InfoCube. Click the checkboxes for theassociated key figures that are to be converted later.
Save your entries. When the program is called again, the entries thathave already been done are displayed with a check.
In the status column you can see whether a key figures has not yet beenconverted ( ), or has been partially converted (1) or has beensuccessfully converted (2).
Selected key figures can be deselected by clicking on the checkboxagain. Key figures that have already been successfully converted (2) canno longer be selected.
If multiple key figures refer to the same unit InfoObject in anInfoCube, either all of the key figures or none of the key figures haveto be converted. The key figures are listed for each InfoCube groupedaccording to the unit InfoObject. If you have not selected all keyfigures that refer to the same unit InfoObject, when you save or pressenter, you will be asked whether you wish to select or deselect all keyfigures.
4. If you have selected all required key figures, choose Data Targets--> Select Data Targets.
5. On the next screen you will see all selected key figures andInfoCubes again. Here you select all InfoCubes that you want convertedagain. Save the selection.
6. Now you have two options.
,,a. Immediate conversion of the key figures into InfoCubes. -->Step 7
,,b. Further selection of key figures, this time in ODS objects.-->Step 18
7. In the menu, choose 'Conversion' --> 'Batch Execution'.
8. Choose 'Immediately'. Choose 'Save' and the background job starts.
9. After the background job is done you have converted the key figuresinto InfoCubes. You can also see the log for the conversion in the menu'Conversion'--> 'Log'.
10. Continue by converting the key figures for other data targets(ODS, PSA). To do this, start the program RSRTLIRA again and performsteps 1 through 9 again. This time, however, choose 'ODS Object' or'PSA' instead of 'InfoCube'. You have now converted the key figures forInfoCubes, ODS objects, PSA.
11. Last, you have to convert the characteristics with a fixed currency.To do this, start the program RSTRLIRA again and choose 'Key Figure withFixed Currency'.
12. In the menu, choose 'Key Figures' --> 'Fixed Currencies'.
13. In this screen, you select the key figures that have been assignedthe Old Turkish Lira 'TRL' as a fixed currency. All InfoCubes thatcontain the key figure appear below each key figure. For theseInfoObjects, all InfoCubes that use this InfoObject must be converted atonce. A separate conversion in different batch runs is not possiblehere. After successful conversion of all affected InfoCubes, the fixedcurrency of the InfoObject has also been converted to New Turkish LiraTRY.
14. In the menu, choose 'Data Targets' --> 'Select Fixed Currencies'.
15. All data targets for which key figures have already been selectedfor conversion will be displayed. Only those key figures are displayedfor each data target that were previously marked for conversion. Savethe selection.
Data targets that have already been converted are not displayed. Todisplay them, use the menu option 'Data Targets' --> 'DisplayConverted'.
16. Repeat steps 7 and 8. You can also see the log for the conversionin the menu Conversion'--> Log.
17. The conversion is complete.
18. You have now selected the key figures in InfoCubes to be converted.Close the program.
19. Start the program again in order to also select the key figures forother data targets (ODS, PSA).
20. Repeat steps 1 through 5 again, but select ODS Object or PSA.
21. Execute steps 11 through 15.
22. In the menu, choose Conversion > Batch Execution. Choose a suitablestart time. After the background job is done you have converted the keyfigures into InfoCubes. You can also see the log for the conversion inthe menu 'Conversion'--> 'Log'.
23. The conversion is complete.
Further Information:
Read SAP Note 772354 for more information.
The program that performs the actual conversion of key figures on thedatabase is called RS_EURO_CONVERTER. This program reads the InfoCubesand key figures that are to be converted from the RSEURO table, which isfilled by the RSTLIRA program.
First the program calculates the required exchange rate using the TCURRand TCURX tables. Here we assume that the exchange rates in the tableTCURR are maintained with the KUSTYP TRY and that TRY is being used asthe currency description for the New Turkish Lira. Both names aredefined as constants (G_C_KURSTYP or G_C_EURO_CHAVL) in the programRS_EURO_CONVERTER and both have to be adapted with another systemsetting in the program code.
For reasons of performance, before the actual conversion, the secondaryindex of the unit dimension is deleted from the fact table. Aftercorrect conversion, however, it is automatically created again.
For reasons of data consistency, all aggregates in the fact table areinactivated. Lira conversion of the aggregate is not performed, becauseotherwise there could be different results due to rounding differences,depending on whether the system reads directly from the fact table orfrom the aggregate. Because building the aggregate can take a whiledepending on number and size, the aggregates are not automaticallyreconstructed after conversion. Instead they have to be scheduledseparately from the reconstruction.
During the actual conversion, the system runs through the fact tablecompletely once and the affected key figures are converted. Only recordsthat had the currency Old Turkish Lira TRL before conversion willactually be converted.
To prevent an overrun of rollback segments on the database, theconverted records are committed at regular intervals. However, the facttable status is guaranteed to be consistent at all times. If aconversion run fails, this InfoCube can be rescheduled for conversionand when it is called again, only those records that were not changed byan earlier run will be converted.
During execution of the batch processes, a log is written. You can viewthe log via the Conversion Log menu option. Enter the name of the userto be executed and restrict the dates accordingly.