Programme SAP RSTODIRS - Display Delivery Table TODIR

This report reads and lists delivery information for an object fromtable TODIR. The transported components and the Releases for which theywere transported are displayed.

The current Release level of the system is normally entered/preset forthe Release parameter. Only during an upgrade, between the EU_IMPORT2and KX_SWITCH phase, is it necessary to enter the target Release of theupgrade.
An object key (TADIR) should be entered as a further restriction
Table TODIR is extremely large. If you do not enter any restrictionsthe runtime could be very long.

For each object a list of delivered components is shown. For eachcomponent the Releases for which the component was delivered are shown.
The indicators displayed mean the following:
" ",,the component object was not delivered for this Release
"X",,the component object was delivered
"M",,the component object was modified (only for DD objects -corresponds to DROP/CREATE)
"D",,the component object was deleted

96905Error message TG063 in upgrade phase JOB_RADDRCHK