Programme SAP RSTLAN_UPGRADE - Report Program for Language Imports in the Upgrade


Executed in one of the final upgrade phases to set status entries forthe languages updated by the upgrade.

The phase LANG_REQ, executed in the Prepare stage of the upgrade,analyzes all language CDs and any existing language data. Thisdetermines the components for which the languages can be updated by alanguage package.
This information is stored in a language component matrix.
The data files of any relevant packages are unpacked into the upgradedirectory, and the corresponding requests are imported into the systemduring the upgrade.


The program checks whether the requests determined in the phaseLANG_REQ have been imported, and sets the corresponding status entriesin the system so that you can display the language package informationwith the language management transaction SMLT.
The output of this report is logged in the file
The report performs the following steps:
The database loads the component language matrix determined in Prepare.
A message will always appear:
-> Either a Level 1 success message with severity space
-> Or a Level 1 error message with severity E
The information stored in the shadow tables PAT03_SDA, PAT07_SDA,PAT08_SDA and PAT11_SDA is copied to the 'real' system tables PAT03,PAT07, PAT08 and PAT11.
-> Either a Level 3 success message with severity space
-> Or a Level 2 error message with severity E
The matrix is analyzed as follows.
An object of type CL_CTS_LANGUAGE is created for each language.
-> Either a Level 1 success message with severity space
-> Or a Level 2 error message with severity E and the programskips to the next row of the matrix
Each package is checked to see if its transport requests exist in thesystem. This determines whether the packages is imported or not.
-> If the transports do not exist, a Level 2 message with severityP (extra work needed) appears.
For each valid package/language combination that does not exist, animport action with status LC_UPGRADE is created and executed, to createthe corresponding entries in Transaction SMLT.
-> If no action exists, a new action is created; if an error occurs, aLevel 2 error message with severity E appears.
-> The same happens if the action triggers an exception.
-> If the action is successful, Level 3 log entries with severityspace are created
A Level 1 entry with severity space marking the completion ofthe action is written to the log, the log is displayed and the reportcompleted.

626272Termination in the JOB_RSTLANUPG phase