Programme SAP RSTEXTA3 - Delete Superfluous Text Table Entries

Tables that statisfy the following conditions are cleaned up:

  • Table name is not DD... (Dictionary tables)

  • In the table key, there must be fields which:

  • have the check table T002 or
    refer to a domain with a "LONG" data type
    The primary tables are determined for these tables using the foreignkey dependency. The foreign key dependency must be type "TEXT".
    If there is no entry in the corresponding primary table for the texttable entry, the text table entry is deleted.
    The deleted text table entries are written in a UNIX file (as a log).
    Selection parameters:
    • Text table, development class, person responsible for development class

    • You can restrict the text tables to be cleaned up, generic entries arepossible
      • Perform clean-up

      • Deletes superfluous text table entries
        • Generate overview list

        • Lists superfluous text table entries
          • In current client, in all clients

          • Selection of clients, in which the action is to be performed
            • Sorted by development class, sorted by number

            • Only relevant when generating an overview list
              • Log of deleted records:

              • Directory: Path and name of backup file (you can choose any name)
                Replace file, extend file: Specifies whether an existing backup file isto be replaced (old contents are lost) or extended (new records areappended to existing contents)

1520295File names in the report RSTEXTA3