Programme SAP RSTBHIST - Table History

You can record changes to table contents in the SAP System.
For each change to a table entry, a change document is written in thetable log database. The change document contains information such astime of the change and name of the user who made the change.
Using the service functions, you can generate a list of all the changedocuments of the current day or a chosen time period.
Furthermore you can display a list of all the tables, for which changedocuments are written (i.e. all tables with history administration).
The administration of the table log database is supported by variousfunctions:

  • Determining the number of change documents in the table log database

  • It is possible to select by time period and by table.
    • Deletion of the oldest change documents from the table log database

    • Enter a key date.
      You can select by table. Be careful: After deletion, the changedocuments are no longer available.
      • Archiving of the oldest change documents

      • Before deletion from the table log database, the change documents arearchived in a sequential file.

        Creation of change documents
        Change documents are written for a table if:

        • the table has the technical setting Logging

        • the function Write change documents is active in your system

        • To find out whether a table has the feature Logging, eitherchoose the service function Tables with history administration orperform the following functions beginning with the main menu:
          Tools -> CASE -> Development -> Data Dictionary
          -> Display -> Display -> Goto ->Techn. setting
          The function Write change documents is controlled via the profileparamter rec/client. The following is possible:
          rec/client = OFF --> Function inactive
          rec/client = ALL --> Function active
          rec/client = ,... --> Function active for chosen clients

          Comparison of current status with history

          For tables with change logging, it is possible to perform a comparisonof the current status with the contents of the table at an earlier time.
          The table contents at both times are compared. Various field contentsare highlighted.
          You can switch the display from vertical split (objects alongside oneanother) to horizontal split (objects below one another).

84052R3trans: Table logging
1916Logging table changes in R/3