Programme SAP RSTBCOUNT - Number of Table Change Logs (System-Wide)

Number of table change logs recorded per table in all clients.

The program gives an overview of how many change logs exist for whichtables. Especially when you want to analyze your changes by databasetables, not by IMG customizing activities, it shows you where changeshave been made.

Logging must be activated in the system profile parameter rec/client.


You can restrict the set of tables and the period over which the logsare to be counted.
The " Hide Tables w/o Logs" flag (default) lists only tables für whichlogs were actually created in the specified period. If it is not set,all tables for which logging is active are displayed.

The list has the entire ABAP List Viewer functionality .
The selected tables are output with the number of change logs createdin the specified period. Archived logs are not counted.
The program counts all clients. If you analyze the logs of aclient-specific table in detail, the number of logs displayed candiffer from the number calculated here, because the analysis program(RSVTPROT) only shows logs from the client in which you are logged on.

If you select rows in the list and choose the function Goto -Analyze Logs (F8), you go to a detailed log analysis for the tablesin the program RSVTPROT.