Programme SAP RSSTATX3 - XPRA cancellazione contenuto incompatibile MONI per release 4.0

XPRA to delete incompatible workload statistics for the workloadmonitor (transaction ST03). The program deletes existing workloadstatistics from the table MONI, since these can no longer be used inRelease 4.0 due to the namespace extension. If the program is notexecuted during the upgrade it can still be executed afterwards. If theprogram is not executed then no workload statistics can be stored inthe database. In particular the collector programs which are executedas part of the jobs COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR orSAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR will cancel with a short dump.

The program informs you of undeletable areas of the table MONI. Thesecan be deleted at any time with the workload monitor (transactionST03). To do this select in the menu "Goto > Performance database >Contents of database". In the following screen press "Del. group" andenter the undeletable area (called "ID" here) in the next screen. Thenconfirm.
You can also start the program after the upgrade. However you mustensure that the report RSCOLL00 is not scheduled as a background job.This job is usually called COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR orSAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR.
As this report may delete large amounts of data a database error mayoccur during its execution due to rollback segments, amongst otherthings, being too small.