Programme SAP RSSTATMAN_PARTTAB_DELETE - Deletion of Quick Access Entries for Data Target

1535006P26: Manage: APO requests: Type of Data Update field empty
1529440P26: Manage: No text for new DataSources in request list
1516706P25:DM:STATMAN: Data mart icons in display of request list
1240122P20:DSO: Activating delta DTP requests after BDLS
1149558P18: DTP: No selection conditions for DTP request
1035214P13:Manage:PSA process:Request set red too early, terminate
1021167P13:Manage: Date/time not displayed correctly
1023231P13: Delete report for PSA fast access tables
954726P9: Repair full request and fast access tables
930381P8:Manage:DTP requests do not display selections
905592P7: Manage: No texts for InfoPackage on the Request tab