Programme SAP RSSQDY01 - SAP DB: Region Statistics

Online report.
This report generates an overview of the SQL-DB specific storageareas (regions) with the help of the external program "sysmon".'CALL SYSTEM' is currently used as an interface. The overview is onlyavailable on central systems. The values since the last databaserestart are counted.

Calling up transaction ST04
Menu options: Goto -> Activity -> Current statistics ->
Regional statistics


  • RegId:

  • internal ID of the storage area
    • Region name:

    • Name of the storage area
      • Accesses:

      • Number of accesses to the storage area
        • Waits:

        • Number of wait situations that occur during access to the storage area
          • Collisions:

          • Number of the collisions that occured during access
            • Col.rate %

            • Collision rate in percent