Programme SAP RSSQDM03 - SAP DB: Display Snapshots from MONI

Online program
This program analyzes snapshots from the performance database MONI.Monitor data is displayed for a maximum of 3 weeks in the past.

Call transaction ST04
Menu: Goto -> Activity -> Performance database -> Previous days


  • Day, Time

  • Date and time of the snapshot
    • SQL commands, Commits, Prepares, Rollbacks

    • Number of corresponding commands since DB restart
      Select the pushbutton "More" to output the following values
      • Cache hit rates in %, Phys. reads, Phys. writes

      • Hit rates on selected buffer
        Number of physical read and write operations
        • Table scans, Log pages written, Lock collisions

        • Number of search operations on the whole table (since DB restart)
          Number of log pages written (since last log save)
          Number of lock collisions (since DB restart)
          Select the pushbutton "Delta" to determine the differences between thesnapshots. To get a bar chart of all the displayed values, select thepushbutton "Graphics".