Programme SAP RSSQD002 - SAP DB: I/O Statistics

Online program
This program displays a comparison of logical and physical read andwrite operations, which were performed since the last DB restart. Readand write operations are performed by pages, a page being 4 KB in size.

Call transaction ST04
Menu: Goto -> Activity -> Current statistics -> I/O statistics


  • Data pages:

  • Comparison of logical and physical I/O in relation to the data pagelevel
    • Catalog accesses:

    • Number of logical/physical catalog read and write operations.
      • Permanent:

      • Number of log./phys. read and written permanent pages
        • Temporary:

        • Number of log./phys. read and written pages, which were used to build
          temporary results
          Pages in B* tree
          Level 1,2,3:
          Index pages in B* tree