Programme SAP RSSPAM02 - SPAM: Find Support Package Overshooters in Add-On Upgrade/Installation

RSSPAM02 is executed by R3up in the JOB_RSSPAM02 phase during an add-onupgrade or an add-on installation.
RSSPAM02 evaluates the LAST.HOT file in the /usr/sap/put/bin directory.LAST.HOT contains the name and version of the add-on, and the highestSupport Package number contained in the add-on.
RSSPAM02 determines whether more Support Packages have been importedthan were planned when the add-on was created. These Support Packagesare referred to as overshooters. RSSPAM02 checks whether thereare any conflicts between these overshooters and any installed add-ons.
The result is saved in the ADDON_CONF. log in the /usr/sap/put/logdirectory.