Programme SAP RSSORPLI - SAPoffice: Replication of Shared Folders Main Program

Replication of shared folders
This replication program can be used to replicate (or copy) sharedfolders between different R/3 systems or between different clients inan R/3 System or even within the same client of an R/3 System. In eachrun, the current data is copied from the source system to the targetsystem. Data which has been changed in the target system in themeantime is overwritten in the process.
The whole branch is always replicated. In the first run it is insertedin the root folder of the target system. However, if it is then movedelsewhere, this is taken into account in the next run.
This report must be started in the source system.
Please note:
Some administration data is overwritten during replication. Forexample, the author is overwritten by the name of the user who executesthe replication, the creation date and time are updated, and so on.
It is not currently possible to replicate the entire shared folders.
Distribution lists are not taken into account during replication, inother words, they are not replicated.

  • RFC destination with which the comparison should take place.

  • The name may only be 10 characters long and must have the nameOFFADM-PROXY as user. This user can be a dialog user. It mustbe created in the target system with the SAPoffice adminstrationauthorization. This means it has the authorization object S_OC_ROLE,whereby the field OFFADMI contains the value ADMINISTRATOR. Thedestination is an R/3-R/3 connection.
    • Folder name, folder description

    • A search for the folder takes place in the source system, that isthe system in which the report is running, with the help of thesefields. The search is carried out for the root folder of the branch. Ifseveral hits are made, then these are displayed in a list. Replicationcan only start when the folder has been identified uniquely.
      Table SORP is also searched to check for an entry for the targetsystem. Table SORP contains the data once a replication has run.Here the connection is made between the ID of the folderor document in the source system and the target system. If there is noentry in table SORP, then the folder or the complete branch is createdunder the root folder in the target system and replication is started.
      • Date

      • Specification of the date for the selection of the changed objects.
        • New replication

        • Specification of whether the replication is be set up new.If yes, table SORP is completely deleted for this destination, sothat a connection no longer exists between the folders and documentsof the system.

          10-character RFC destination with the user OFFADM-PROXY who has
          Office administration authorization in the target system.
          The user who carries out replication must be Office administrator inboth the source system and the target system.

          List of the folders which were replicated.