Programme SAP RSSODFRE - Delete Documents from Hidden Folder

Some applications use the 'dark folder' to store Business CommunicationServices documents. It is called the 'dark folder' because it is notvisible in the Business Workplace, unlike 'Shared Documents' or the'Shared Trash'.
This report removes documents from the 'dark folder' and thereforeallows the reorganization of the documents and the document content.

The 'dark folder' is used by the following applications, for example:

  • GOS Service 'Attachment list'

  • GOS Service 'Private Memo'

  • Attachments to work items
  • Features
    You can use various selection criteria to select the documents to bedeleted, such as document age, document type and ID, creator, ordocument title.
    You can also select whether documents that are still linked to anapplication object should be deleted. Caution: These documentsare usually still being used by the application and should thereforeonly be deleted once you have confirmed they are no longer required.

988057Reorganization - Information
1031006RSSODFRE: Poor performance
905499ICWC: E-mail link to CRM business object
728063Obsolete: How to use Reorganization
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