Programme SAP RSSOCVPC - SAPoffice: Conversion: PC Documents Created Before 3.0

From Release 3.0 you can no longer process just the document types
which are coded in Table TSOTD. If you work at a PC you can create all
types of documents for which there is a valid entry in your registry.
This is possible without creating new coding for the unknown object
This innovation does however mean that the old PC documents must be
The conversion is achieved with this program.
The program does not run automatically as part of the 3.0 upgrade, in
order to keep your upgrade time to a minimum.
After the introduction of Release 3.0 you can use SAPoffice with the
old documents for a few days and then convert at a convenient time.
This should however be as SOON AS POSSIBLE! The longer you wait, the
more documents arise, increasing the the runtime unnecessarily.
Runtime example as planning aid:
125000 documents exist in system, including
2500 PC documents.
Runtime of the program with standard variant SAP_WITH_HIST: 10 minutes.
Please start the program as a background job with this variant.

For the SAPoffice operation before the conversion:
Ensure that the old PC document types are still contained in Table
TSOTD. (DOC, EXL, etc.)
For the conversion and for the SAPoffice operation after the
The program ensures that the old SAP standard PC document types are
deleted from Table TSOTD.
The program also ensures that the new generic document type which will
be used internally from now on is made known.

Only note if you have coded a TOM for a PC type yourself:
If you have specific company (not SAP standard!) PC document types, you
have two possibilities:
1. You can convert them with the program. This is always sensible if
your TOM arose through simply copying an SAP standard TOM and does
not contain any special processing which is not contained in the SAP
standard TOMs.
If your specific company PC TOM meets this description, then simply
delete its document type by hand from Table TSOTD before you start
this program.
The documents belonging to it are then also converted automatically.
You no longer require the function module belonging to it.
2. You can keep your own TOM and not convert the documents. This is
only sensible if your TOM contains special processing which did not
arise through copying an SAP standard TOM.
If your specific company TOM meets this description, simply leave
its document type in Table TSOTD.
The documents belonging to it are then not affected by the program
and remain unchanged.
In this case also leave the function module belonging to it

The report converts your PC documents which were entered before Release
On the user interface (in the SAPoffice transactions) you now see no
In the databank all PC documents now have the generic type EXT.

The indices SOOS_____B and SOOS_____F needed for this program are
available automatically in your system.
Since both indices are used only for this program, you can if you wish
delete them after completing the conversion, saving space on the
databank and time during subsequent inserts.

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