Performance is becoming worse and worse when sending e-mails or faxes.This can occur in particular for certain recipient or sender addresses.

RSSOADRDUP deletes duplicate addresses from the address management thatwere created when sending, and reassigns the references to send requeststo ensure a consistent state is maintained.


  • Fax Addresses

  • The report deletes duplicate fax addresses.
    • E-Mail Addresses

    • The report deletes duplicate e-mail addresses.
      • E-Mail Address or Fax

      • You can enter a restriction here for the fax numbers or e-mail addressesto be checked, depending on your selection above.
        • Show All Deleted Records

        • If you select this field, a list of all deleted duplicate addressesappears as output from the report. An address is described by its personnumber in address management. If the field is empty (default setting),only the number of deleted duplicate fax numbers and/or e-mail addressesis displayed.
          • Test Mode

          • If this field is selected, no changes are made in the database, but thecomplete result of the report is output. If this field is not set, thedeletions are performedc. In online mode (but not in backgroundprocessing), a confirmation prompt appears in this case.


            • Performance:

            • You might have to create the following database indexes to run thereport:
              Table SOES, field ADRNR
              Table SOMG, field RCP_ID_NO
              • Only duplicate entries that belong to direct addresses are deleted.
              • These are always from the send/receive area. The addresses were, forexample, entered directly on the send screen, or they are senders ofinbound messages that do not have any other references in the system.They do not, for example, have addresses that belong to businesspartners.
                • Never manually delete entries from address management tables, since this
                • leads to severe inconsistencies in address management. However, if thishas happened, first execute the report contained in SAP Note 436119 torestore the deleted records (if possible) before running the reportdescribed here. Only then is it possible to delete the dataconsistently.