Programme SAP RSSNCSRV - Display SNC Status of Application Server

Display the Secure Network Communication (SNC) status of theapplication server.

The report RSSNCSRV can be called directly andthrough transaction
SM51 SAP Server -> Goto -> SNC Status
(Output sorted by application server)
SMLG Maintain CCMS Logon Group -> Goto -> SNC Status
(Output sorted by logon groups and application server).

The following fields are output for each application server:
Assignment to logon group if the report is started throughSMLG or if the appropriate report parameter is set.
SNC Status according to profile parameter snc/enable
@AG@ RFC connection not possible
@5B@ SNC is active
@5F@ SNC ist inactive
SNC name of the application server according to profile parametersnc/identity/as
GUI logon according to profile parameter snc/accept_insecure_gui
@07@ Unsecured GUI logon allowed for all users
@6C@ Unsecured GUI logon allowed on a user-specific basis
@5F@ Only secured GUI logon allowed
RFC logon according to profile parameter snc/accept_insecure_rfc
@07@ Unsecured RFC logon allowed for all users
@6C@ Unsecured RFC logon allowed on a user-specific basis
@5F@ Only secured RFC logon allowed
Internal RFC logon according to profile parametersnc/accept_insecure_r3int_rfc
@07@ Unsecured internal RFC logon allowed
@5F@ Only secured internal RFC logon allowed
CPIC logon according to profile parameter snc/accept_insecure_cpic
@07@ Unsecured CPIC logon allowed for all users
@6C@ Unsecured CPIC logon allowed on a user-specific basis
@5F@ Only secured CPIC logon allowed
Starting external programs through the gateway according to profileparameter snc/permit_insecure_start
@07@ Unsecured starts of external programs allowed
@5F@ Only secure starts of external programs allowed
GSSAPI library according to profile parameter snc/gssapi_lib