Programme SAP RSSM_SM12_OLD - Display and Management of Lock Entries

You use this function to display locks on data objects. You can alsodelete displayed lock entries.
!!! Be careful when deleting lock entries !!!
There is a risk that after deleting lock entries, multiple pages willsimultaneously access the data that is no longer protected. This willdestroy the data. Therefore, before deleting lock enties, ensure thatthe function that the lock set up cannot become active.
The documentation describes SAP's locking concept in detail.
SAP NetWeaver Components -> Application Platform (SAP WebApplication Server) -> ABAP Technology -> Client/Server Technology ->SAP Locking Concept

This function requires that lock management is working.
Within a distributed server/client architecture, lock management islocated on a central application server. Lock management ondecentralized dialog servers only works once the connection to thecentral application server has been established and the centralapplication server includes lock management.

The lock entries that meet the selection conditions are displayed. Youcan also generically specify the selection conditions. See the helpfunction for the input fields.