Programme SAP RSSLG210 - Application log (old): ==> use transaction SLG2


Application log: Delete obsolete logs
In various applications, critical actions are recorded in anapplication log ( Define application log object ). Anexpiry date can be specified when the log is written. If the expirydate is not set, the maximum date is set automatically.
With this report, you can define a background job which deletesobsolete logs of all application log objects. The job can be scheduledperiodically.
This report prompts for a user ID, under which the background job islater performed. The specified user must be authorized to delete logsof all application log objects (Authorization:Application log).
When the job has been defined, you can reexamine the job parameters andchange the values, if you want.
The transaction Job selection continues to give youthe job status later.

Clarify the following points before running the report:

  • Under what user ID is the created job to run? This user must be
  • authorized to delete all application log objects(Authorization: Application log).
    • How often is the delete job to run? The period deponds on how many logs
    • are written by the applications, and how often you want to deleteobsolete data.