Programme SAP RSSERPAT - Fill SERPATTR (tree attributes)

Table SERPATTR (tree attributes) is being reintroduced in Release 4.0.This table stores all of the reporting trees in the system, along withthe time and date on which they were created/last changed, and the userwho created or changed them.
Report RSSERPAT places all report trees, from all clients, that were inthe system before Release 4.0, into the table (date and name of lastuser to change them remain set to initial).
You should only run the report once. It is started automatically duringthe upgrade (XPRA). If, during the upgrade, the report does not run, orstarts and is terminated, you can restart it afterwards.
You can work in the system without any problems, even if SERPATTR hasnot been filled. There is only one exception, namely Transaction SERP(Reporting: Change Tree Structure).