Programme SAP RSSERP60 - Create form tree structure

This report generates a reporting tree containing SAPscript forms. Youcan select forms by package, form class, form name and the name of thelast user to change a form.
The default setting is to sort the tree by package (DEVCLASS). The nodenames are the names of the packages. You can generate an unstructuredtree by leaving the "sort string" parameter blank. You must, however,specify a name for both the tree and its root node. If a tree with thesame name already exists, the system can overwrite it.

The report generates a list of the selected nodes (packages), and thenumber of forms contained in each of them (hierarchy display).
From this list, you can:
1) switch to change mode (by choosing 'Change')
2) 'Choose forms' for each node
1) In change mode you can select and deselect nodes. Only the selectedentries are included in the tree. You can also choose the 'Chooseforms' function from this list for each node (see 2 above).
2) The 'Choose forms' function allows you to select and deselect formsin each node. Only the marked entries are included in the tree.
The hierarchy display contains the number of forms per node and thenumber of selected forms for each node.
You can preview the tree structure in the hierarchy display by choosing'Preview'. The contents of each node are then displayed.
When you choose 'Save', a warning is displayed, after which a form treeis generated from all of the selected nodes and forms. The system thenbranches automatically to Transaction 'SERP' (Reporting: Change TreeStructure).