Programme SAP RSSDOCGE - Mass Activation/Transports of Documentation Objects

This report can be used for the following activities within a SAPsystem:

  • Mass activation of docu objects with status 'Raw' (not 'Active')

  • Assignment of docu objects with status 'Raw' to an already existing
  • transport request
    • Creating and displaying a list of docu objects with status 'Raw' in
    • DOKIL table. The docu objects are not changed.

      Required authorizations:

      • For executing the mass activation:

      • The user starting the report needs the value 'ACTIVATE' for the fieldDOKU_ACT of authorization object S_DOKU_AUT for requested packages.
        • For issues around transporting / transport requests:

        • The user starting this report needs to make sure, that the appropriaterights for creating / assigning objects to a transport request areavailable.

          The report processes the following entries in the subscreen "Searchparameters" with the logical 'AND' condition:

          • Software Component(s)

          • Application Component(s)

          • Package(s)

          • Effect: if you specify a value in all 3 fields, the report will try tofind the packages, which satisfy simultaneously the conditions from allthese 3 fields. If this is not the case, no further processing will takeplace.
            If the fields for activation and transporting are marked, the reportwill check according to the client settings, if the requesteddevelopment classes can be changed and transported.
            If the object is already assigned to another unreleased transportrequest (not specified in the selection screen of the report) and theoption for activation is set to 'X', the object will be changed, butappears in the output section of objects which could not be transported.
            If the field for transporting is marked, the value of field 'Originallanguage' must be set to 'X', since the transport of non-originallanguages is done with other transport objects. This case is notconsidered here.
            This report does not process documentation of the classes:
            • 'TA' (Transport request, Correction) and

            • 'TP' (Documentation: Transport problems).

            • If the main transport object cannot be determined for certain docuobjects, these objects will not be further processed.

              Below you can find information about the selection options of thisreport.
              Subscreen "Search parameters"
              If nothing with inclusion is entered in the next 3 fields, the reportwill search through all entries of tables TADIR / DOKIL without anyfurther notice or warning.

              • Software Component(s)

              • The system allows the usage of symbol '*' as placeholder.
                • Application Component(s)

                • The system allows the usage of symbol '*' as placeholder.
                  • Package(s)

                  • The system allows the usage of symbol '*' as placeholder.
                    The system excludes local packages from your selection by default.
                    • Language

                    • If some language is entered here, the system will search only amongentries in the DOKIL table with the mentioned language.
                      If no entry in this field, no language will be excluded.
                      • Original language

                      • If 'X' is used here, the system will search only among the entries inthe DOKIL table, which have value 'X' in the field 'MASTERLANG'. Ifthere is no 'X', the search is also performed among the existingtranslations.
                        If 'Language' field contains the ID of the language, e.g. 'EN', and 'X'in this field, the system will search only among the entries with theoriginal language English.
                        Subscreen "Processing options"
                        • Activation

                        • If 'X' is entered here, the system will activate the raw documentationfor all docu objects found according to the entries made in subscreen"Search parameters".
                          To get only a list of the docu objects, without performing any changesin the system, this field must remain empty.
                          • Type of transport object

                          • Possible values:
                            'D': Transport only docu objects
                            'M': Transport the main objects
                            'B': Transport both (main + docu objects)
                            The value in this field defines, whether the docu transport object(typically subtransport object LIMU DOCU) or the main tranport object(R3TR ...) needs to be inserted in the transport request.
                            Since the main transport object can contain several docu transportobjects and not all related docu objects must be activated /transported, the option 'D' ("Transport only docu objects") isrecommended.
                            Some documentation classes are transported with the docu transportobject, which is the same as the main transport object, e.g. 'HY' with'R3TR DSYS' and 'TX' with 'R3TR DOCT'. In this case both options 'D' and'M' can be selected.
                            • Transport request / task

                            • If the docu objects should be first activated and then transported, thespecified transport request should be a correction transport request.
                              If docu objects with status 'RAW' (without activiation) should be onlytransported, the provided transport request must be of type 'Transportof copy'.
                              If the report will be started in the background, the correct number ofthe transport request must be provided at the selection screen.Otherwise the batch job will be terminated with an error message(visible within transaction SM37).
                              The transport request must be still changeable and have a task for userstarting the report (in case of correction request).
                              Subscreen "Display mode"
                              • Classical list (Batch and Dialog)

                              • ALV-Grid-List (only in Dialog)

                              • The objects which could not be transported will be displayed in theclassical list, when a user leaves the ALV-Grid-List via 'Back' button.

                                The result of the scan is:

                                • A list of changed objects or objects which should be changed, sorted by
                                • packages and docu classes.
                                  In case of classical list, each new package and each new documentationclass starts on a new page. On each page, the list is sorted by objectname.
                                  If the report is started in the background, the way how the list will bepresented in the spool request, depends on 'Display' option. WithALV-option, the result looks more compact. The result from spool listcan be saved in a file via menu:
                                  'Spool request -> Forward -> Export as text', when you are in the listof spool requests, in the GUI working directory ( '\Documents andSettings\USER_ID\SapWorkDir', where USER_ID is your user ID).
                                  'Spool request -> Forward -> Save to Local file', when you display thespool request on the selected path.
                                  • A filled transport request, if the corresponding option is selected.
                                  • Activities
                                    The system scans all docu classes processed by Documentation Tool(transaction SE61).