Programme SAP RSSCPRN2 - Create Appointment List with Optional Send Mail

Create appointment lists with optional send mail

Create lists of appointments of selected users, separately and/orcombined, with or without sending a mail, in the foreground orbackground.

A period in which appointments are to be found has to be specified onthe selection screen. If no appointments are found in the specifiedperiod, a message is output.
The users for whom the appointment list is to be created are specifiedin the 'send mail' and 'send no mail' fields. All users entered in the'send mail' field are sent a list of their own appointments in thespecified period, in contrast to 'send no mail'. You can also enterseveral users for the field with multiple selection.
The recipient of the total list is specified in the mail recipientfield, that is 'send mail' and 'send no mail'. If this field is empty,the total list is not sent; it is only output to the screen or theprinter (in background).
The 'Landscape' checkbox determines whether the total list is output inlandscape or portrait orientation. Information about the appointmenttime period, room, and title are output. The room is omitted and theshort text is truncated in landscape format, to improvecomprehensibility.