Programme SAP RSREQARCH_WRITE - Request - Archiving - Write Requests to New Archive

1712258P29:REQARCH:Performance improvement in write report
1671402P07:REQARCH:Archiving w/DTP flag terminates in WRITE report
1660025P07: REQARCH: Automatic deletion run runs only in test mode
1532624P26: REQARCH: Endless loop in write report
1490166P25:REQARCH:Performance improvement in write/deletion report
1466842P25:REQARCH:Performance:Several single selects for RSREQDONE
1345497REQARCH:DTP:Too many data records are archived
1298247P21:REQARCH: Second write job not allowed to be started
950612P9: Request archiving: Archiving many requests as initial
1167871P19:REQARCH:Process chain processing called again
1164968P19:REQARCH:Process chain processing called unnecessarily
1156802P18:REQARCH: Archiving starts many dialog/batch processes
1155340P18:REQARCH: Table control CTRL_SEL is not defined
1113608P17:REQARCH:Archiving prog. takes too long to check requests
1089491P16:REQARCH:Report RSREQARCH_WRITE hangs in endless loop
1051994P14:REQARCH:Selecting excluding DS/source syst combinations
1053844P14:REQARCH: Message "Source system & does not exist"
1032894P13:REQARCH/HASH: Inconsistencies when archiving and hashing