Programme SAP RSPO0023 - Simulation Report for ADS Spool Requests

Simulation report for processing PDF spool requests. Thefunction modules ADS* of the function group SPADS are used.

The part files (PDF/PDL) that PDF spool requests consist of arecreated by Adobe Document Services (ADS). Tosimulate and test the SPADS function modules, the creation of thePDF/PDL files is simulated. It is assumed that thePDF or PDL files for an PDF spool request exist locally on the PC.They are then copied into the system when they are created.

Create Spool Request: Creates a new PDF spool request or appendsto an existing one.
Required Parameters:
Output device
Document type
Number of part files: The ADS server is simulated. This means that aprint file (PostScript or PCL) and a PDF file must exist locally on thePC. A file dialog window is displayed for each file. The selectedfiles are copied into the system and assigned to the spool request.
Optional Parameters:
If this parameter is selected, the request is appended to a suitable,existingspool request. If no suitable requests exist, a new spool request iscreated (implicit appending).
Spool ID
If possible, the request is appended to the specified spool request ID(explicit appending).
Delete Spool Request: Deletes the specified PDF spool request.
Required Parameters:
Spool ID
Delete Part File: Deletes the specified part file of the
specified PDF spool request.
Required Parameters:
Spool ID (must be type ADSA)
Part file name
Read Content from Part File: Reads the content of the specifiedpart file of the specified PDF spool request.
Required Parameters:
Spool ID
Part file name
Read Part File Directory: Lists all part files of the specifiedPDF spool request.
Required Parameters:
Spool ID
Write to Part File: Creates a new part file with the specifiedcontent.
Required Parameters:
Part file name
Name of part file to be created. If 'Only GLOBAL_DIR' is selected, asimple name is sufficient. The file is created in the global directoryof the SAP system. If 'Only GLOBAL_DIR' is not selected, the part filehas to have a qualified name.
The content of the part file is created locally from a file on the PCthat can be selected in a dialog box.
Optional Parameters:
Copy Part File: Copies the specified part file. Both paths haveto be fully qualified.
Required Parameters:
Source path
Target path