Programme SAP RSPHXPR3 - SAPphone: Conversion to sites in 4.6C

Up to Release 4.6B, besides telephony servers, 'extension groups' alsoexist relatively independently in SAPphone system administration(transaction SPHB).
An extension group comprises maintenance authorizations with regard toextension numbers, which can be checked when SAPphone work settings aremaintained.
Up to Release 4.6B, these maintenance authorizations contain:

  • Fixed assignments between a number and a user

  • A statement about all numbers not specified (plus possible exceptions).

  • An extension group operates on a pool of extension numbers that can beprovided by several telephony servers.
    As of Release 4.6C, the site has been introduced as a newadministrative unit. A site contains:
    • One or more telephony servers

    • Extension numbers-maintenance authorizations

    • Number/user groups (assignment of extension numbers and users)
      All other numbers (statement about all numbers not specified, pluspossible exceptions).
      As a result of the introduction of sites and of increased flexibilitywith regard to extension numbers-maintenance authorizations, tableconversion using an XPRA report is necessary when upgrading to Release4.6C or higher.
      This XPRA report RSPHXPR3 carries out table conversion when upgradingfrom Release 3.1G to 4.6B to Release 4.6C or higher.


      The program (report: RSPHXPR3) reads all telephony servers with theattributes client, name, prefix, length of internal numbers, countryand extension group from tables SPH_SERVER and SXNODES. It also readsall extension groups with all extension numbers and users from tableSPH_EXTGRP and SPH_EXTENS.
      From this reading, the clients for which the following process isperformed are determined:
      All servers are grouped together according to their attributes (ifpossible) and grouped into sites. Extension groups are rearranged innumber user groups and assigned to the sites.
      Sites are also created and extension groups rearranged in number usergroups and assigned to sites for extension groups that are not assignedto a telephony server.