Programme SAP RSO_COPY_TLOGO - Copying TLOGO Objects with References

You can copy several TLOGO objects with their references.
Example: The InfoCube ABC and two of the InfoObjects contained in it(DEF and GHI) are to be copied into the namespace /XYZ/.

The following object types are supported:

  • InfoObjects

  • InfoCubes

  • DataStore objects

  • Query elements
  • Features
    One copy-package is processed in each copy run. Using copy-packagesallows you to handle several copy runs simultaneously.
    To copy, proceed as follows:
    Select a copy package (four-digit number)
    Enter a name- that is, select the corresponding radio button and executethe program.
    The table view appears, in which you can maintain the assignment fromthe old to the new object. Enter a type, object name and new name forevery object that is to be copied. By names, we mean the technical nameshere. With query elements, you also need to specify the technical nameand not the unique ID.
    You can also assign a number if you want to create multiple copies. Youcan also specify a text for the new objects here.
    It is also possible to enter the objects generically, that is, as ABC*.In this case, all appropriate objects are copied.
    Furthermore, you can also enter the new name as ABC#12#. Here, twelvecopies are created, ABC1 to ABC12.
    You may also fill a list of objects to be copied with the dependentobjects for a specified object. You can do so by choosing the selectionheader Add Dependent Objects, an object and the dependence type.Afterwards, you need to enter the target name as described in theprevious point.
    Copying the objects: Choose the selection header Copy Objectsand execute the program.

1061315Copying authorization-relevant characteristics