Programme SAP RSORA_TCS_DEMO - Oracle Graphics: Time Chart Simple Demo Report

This report demonstrates the use of class CL_TIME_CHART_SIMPLE (SimpleSimple time chart).

  • Basis graphics functionality

  • For basic graphics functionality (display the chart) the reportsprocesses the following steps:
    Generate random graphics data in subroutine generate_demo_datausing dictionary type TCS_S_DATA. Columns:
    SERIES identifies a group of values (one line / bars with samecolour)
    TIMESTAMP with format [yyyyymmdd][;hhmmss[ms..]] represents atime on the time axis.
    YVALUE is a metered value for a point or a bar.
    Call a screen (dynpro 0100) as carrier for the chart (MODULEstatus_0100)
    Set a status (with valid OKCODES) for this screen (MODULEstatus_0100)
    Create a container as carrier for the chart (MODULE status_0100)
    Create an instance of class cl_time_chart_simple (MODULEstatus_0100)
    Transfer the graphics data to the time chart instance by calling methodset_data and some customizing information by calling methodset_customizing - see online documentation for dictionary typetcs_s_customizing for available settings. (MODULE status_0100)
    • Interactive graphics functionality (e.g. zoom, shift, print, settings)

    • In general the graphics does not support implicit interactivity. This isachieved by placing buttons / menu entries / application toolbar iconsvia a GUI status.
      In MODULE user_command_0100 the report processes interactivegraphic functions by calling the according method of classcl_time_chart_simple. See the methods and their onlinedocumentation for more details.
      • Handling events in the graphics

      • In general the graphics raises 3 different events:
        click - this event is released by a mouse click somewhere withinthe chart
        value_change - released by a changed value within the chart
        property_change - released by changed chart settings ("chartcustomizing")
        For handling events the report incloses a local class lcl_tcs_ehas event handler. Within module status_0100 the methods of thisclass (on_click, on_value_change andon_property_change) are registered as handler methods for thegraphic events. In this demo, the methods only display the event'sparameters within a message.